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Select all that apply. AI helps you write your knowledge base articles in which of the following ways?
Rewrite your content in a different tone. Expand your writing. Turn your writing into audio…
A marketing manager has been familiarizing themselves with the different ad components of a Search ad. Which of these would they select as an accurate description of a Display URL?
The Display URL provides details about an advertiser’s product or service. The Display URL gives…
An advertising executive takes over a Google Search ads campaign. On his Google Ads Recommendations page he notes that the campaign’s optimization score is 40%. What does this score indicate?
The campaign could be improved by 60% if the listed recommendations are followed. The campaign…
Brenda’s working on improving a Google Search Ad’s Quality Score so it potentially gets a better ad rank and performs better in the ad auction. What change to Brenda’s ad might improve the Ad Rank?
Making the headline bold to potentially improve the eCTR. Using colors in the message text…